Tai chi is often referred to as meditation in motion due to the focus on mental as well as physical wellbeing. Tai chi is an ancient form of martial arts that aims to overcome opposition through spiritual and mental strength rather than physical strength. Tai chi originated from China and its popularity has grown over the years with the recognition of the numerous benefits that you can derive from it. Read on to find out how tai chi can be beneficial for your loved ones.
How Is Tai Chi Different From Yoga?
There are many similarities between tai chi and yoga but one fundamental difference is the emphasis that is placed on motion. When it comes to tai chi, there is more movement than is normally associated with yoga. In this sense, many people who struggle to hold yoga’s static poses may find tai chi a little easier than yoga. That being said, you need not see these two as mutually exclusive. Indeed many people regularly practice both arts and derive immense health benefits from each.
If you are thinking of introducing tai chi to your loved ones, here are some of the benefits that they may get from this ancient martial art.
Improved Balance
If your loved ones are struggling with balance, then tai chi may be perfect for them. The various postures and motions all combine to help improve core stability. Tai chi is also great for focus and concentration. These in turn help your loved ones to improve situational awareness which is sometimes a factor that causes falls.
Pain Relief
If your loved ones are suffering from arthritis or some other form of joint pain, the good news is that tai chi may be able to help. This ancient martial arts form involves stretches and postures that all contribute to improving joint health. In fact, many doctors in the United States are urging patients to take up tai chi and yoga as part of a treatment plan that includes traditional approaches such as medication and physiotherapy.
Weight Loss
Tai chi has been associated with weight loss due to a variety of factors. First of all, tai chi helps promote mindfulness which in turn makes an individual conscious of what they are eating at all times. Secondly, because it helps reduce stress, individuals are at less risk of turning to alcohol, fast food, and other stress-coping mechanisms that are associated with weight gain. Lastly, the motions and postures that are part of tai chi are also effective at fat burning. They are particularly good for people who can’t do vigorous workouts due to any number of reasons.
If your loved ones decide that tai chi is their thing, they should get a certified instructor to help them learn this martial art. They should also always practice while wearing comfortable clothing and shoes to prevent injury.
Why Choose Lakeside At Mallard Landing?
At Lakeside At Mallard Landing, your loved one can join in many exercise classes and activities that are enjoyable and fulfilling. Our senior living community is served by a team of experts with many years of experience. We have a variety of residency packages for you to choose from. Contact us today to find out more.